Public Service Resumes Blog

cover letter

Unlock your next interview: Strategies for a successful cover letter

While many may downplay the importance of cover letters, a good cover letter could be the difference between not hearing back and securing an interview. According to Michael Page and Hays, there are several ways you can write a cover letter that stands out. Start strong When writing a cover letter, first impressions are crucial. The employer has to decide …

job interview

Interview to impress: How to land your next big role

Do you find job interviews stressful? Don’t know what to say? You’re not alone. You can have the perfect resume and cover letter, but if you can’t nail a job interview, you won’t be able to secure the role of your dreams. Have no fear because University Of Sydney Psychology Today Australia and Michael Page have a range of tips …

working remotely

Getting noticed: How to achieve your career goals from home

Do you enjoy the flexibility of being able to work remotely? Are you worried that this will limit your career progression? The team at Public Service Resumes have been working at home for many years. However, for many working from home is a relatively new phenomenon. It has become commonplace in many industries including the public service.  So how can …

networking benefits

More than getting a new job: The benefits of networking in 2024

There’s no doubt that networking is crucial to help your career take the next step. But have you considered there can be more to it than just landing a new job? According to James Cook University, networking refers to the art of building professional relationships with others. Networking is a practice that is commonly done online or by attending events …

linkedin tool

Maximising your prospects: LinkedIn as a tool to reach your career potential

Are you looking to get ahead in your career? Want to build relationships with potential employers? LinkedIn is just the place to do this; using it correctly can put you one step ahead of your peers. LinkedIn is a social media site with a difference. Unlike Twitter or Facebook, LinkedIn is used primarily to establish and maintain business connections. While …

interview online

Making a good impression: The limitations of technology for personal branding

Have you ever felt daunted trying to impress prospective employers online? You’re not alone. The ability to curate your own online image, a process known as personal branding, plays an increasingly critical role for those seeking to build their career. However, crafting a unique online identity is often a complex and challenging task. Modern technology continues to evolve and can …