The secret to online interviews:  How to ace your next online interview

Have you ever participated in a job interview online? If you haven’t yet, chances are you will. Increasingly, employers are recognising the flexibility online interviews can offer. Online interviews provide many advantages. However, there are various factors you must consider.

So, what are the tips and tricks for a successful online interview? How do you make the best impression possible?

Indeed, Seek and Hays provide tips to give you the best chance of success in an online interview.

Plan your environment and technology beforehand

Plan how you will conduct the interview beforehand. Think carefully about where you will conduct the interview. Try to find as quiet a place as possible. Ideally, this will be an area that is not shared with anyone else, such as a bedroom or private office. Also, consider what device you plan to use to conduct the interview. If you plan to use a phone or tablet, ensure you have an appropriate stand to rest it on. If you aren’t already, become familiar with the technology and software you will use before the interview.


Ensure your online profile is professional

Whether the interview is on Teams, Zoom or Skype, ensure you have an appropriate username and profile photo. Make sure nothing is distracting or inappropriate in your background. If this is difficult, you could blur it or try a virtual background.



Practice how you will deliver your answers on camera. You can do a mock video interview with a friend or record yourself delivering answers and watch it back. Not only will this help you prepare what to say, but it will help ensure your internet is stable and there are no audio issues.


Dress professionally

Dress as you would for an in-person interview. This ensures you give the best impression possible and helps increase your confidence and focus.


Consider your location

Try to find a place that has minimal distractions. Ensure the lighting is appropriate and the interviewer can see you.


Take notes

During your interview, take notes. You can do this either on paper or on your computer. Just let the interviewer know so they don’t think you are distracted. Taking notes helps show the interviewer you are engaged and interested in the conversation.


Start early

Open the program before the scheduled interview time in case of any technical issues. Ensure your battery is charged.


Focus on the conversation

Look at the webcam instead of your on-screen reflection or the interviewer’s face. This gives the impression that you are making eye contact. Take your time to answer to ensure you don’t talk over the interviewer if there is a delay.

Minimise distractions

Ensure pop-up and email notifications are turned off on your computer. Close the door and inform anyone else in your household that you will be conducting an interview. Do not be distracted by children or pets.

Consider wearing earbuds

Earbuds may help you to understand the interviewer more clearly. Practice speaking with earbuds before your interview to maintain an appropriate volume.

Don’t panic if things go wrong

Don’t panic if your internet drops out or you start breaking up. Just make sure to let your interviewer know if you lose your connection.
It’s a good idea to have a backup device and internet connection ready in case of technical difficulties

Follow up

Just because the interview is online doesn’t mean follow-up isn’t important. After the interview, send the interviewer a follow-up email thanking them for their time.

Do you need help preparing for an interview? Public Service Resumes can help. We are pleased to offer various services, including interview skills coaching.