Public Service Resumes Blog


Careers in focus: Teaching

Have you ever thought about a career in teaching? Are you looking for a job as a teacher? Whether you are fully qualified or about to enrol in a course, here’s a guide to the benefits of a teaching career and how to apply for a job as a teacher. According to Indeed ,there are a variety of benefits to …

Women in the workplace

Women in the workplace: A timeline

Today, it seems incomprehensible that women could be paid less than men or below the minimum wage in Australia. The idea women would give up work to marry is absurd. That this was once the case illustrates the progress that has been made in women’s employment in Australia. While we still have a lot more progress to make, we have …

conflict at work

Managing conflict at work: Skills, tips and tricks

Have you ever clashed with a colleague? Conflict will occur in every workplace. It is how it is managed that is important. By managing conflicts effectively, you can ensure issues don’t escalate and relationships remain intact. Hays and Indeed outline the top conflict management skills and ways employers and employees can manage workplace conflict. Conflict management skills Several skills are …

purpose at work

The meaning of work: How to find your purpose at work

Do you feel happy at work? Do you feel like your work is making a positive contribution to society? If you want your work to make a difference, you aren’t alone. According to Hays, people want to feel they are making a difference at work, more than ever Increasingly, employees want to feel like they are improving the lives of …

active listening at work

Listen carefully: Why active listening is important in the workplace

Have you ever finished a conversation without remembering what the other person said? Do you find yourself interrupting others while they are talking? Active listening is an important, undervalued skill. Active listening refers to the ability to focus completely on the speaker, understand what they are saying, comprehend the information and respond appropriately. By actively listening, you ensure you remember …