time management

Top time management techniques: How to get the most out of your workday

How well do you manage your time at work? Time management refers to the ability to effectively allocate time.

It  is a vital skill that is highly regarded by most employers and allows us to make the most of our work hours. But what do you do if time management isn’t IN your skillset? How do you improve your time management skills? The good news is that time management is a relatively easy skill to master. 

Indeed and Hays highlight the benefits of time management and provide tips on improving your time management skills.

Benefits of time management


Relieves stress

Effective time management will mean you complete tasks in a calm and orderly way.

Allows you to achieve goals

By managing time effectively, you can achieve your goals in a reasonable timeframe.

Increases professional standing

Time management is a skill that most employers highly value.

Allows greater opportunities for career growth

Managing time effectively will open you up to more opportunities in your career.

Increases productivity

Those who manage time efficiently will get more done each day.

Better quality of life with more leisure time

Those with strong time management are less likely to become overwhelmed with their workload. They are less likely to work overtime, giving you more leisure time.


How to improve your time management


Audit your time

Keep  track of activities you spend your time on, perhaps by writing them down in a notebook. Find out what activities you can get done during a specific timeframe and see if they align with your goals.


Be proactive not reactive

Don’t just start working on tasks as you are given them. Think about which tasks are the most important and which can wait. If a task isn’t urgent, consider delegating it to someone else or asking for its deadline to be extended.


Set a deadline

Setting a deadline for completing a particular task can increase motivation. You should also try to set time limits.


Reduce procrastination

Start tasks without delay. Avoid wasting too much time on making decisions.


Don’t try to be perfect

While it is important to complete tasks to the best of your ability, trying to perfect tasks can see them take longer than necessary.


Create a to-do list

Write down everything you need to do in a set period of time. You can even break these into weekly, daily and hourly activities based on importance. Creating lists will enhance your ability to prioritise tasks.

When creating your list of tasks, it’s a good idea to consider how you will minimise distractions.

For example, it is advisable to set out dedicated time each day to check your emails, so these don’t become a distraction throughout the day. Outside of this time, you should switch off email notifications.


Avoid unnecessary meetings

Before attending a meeting, check the agenda.  If it doesn’t require your input, consider whether you have to attend.


Identify when you are most productive

We are all more productive at certain times of day. Schedule activities according to the time of day when your energy levels are the highest.


Be flexible

Priorities may shift during a week or day, so schedules must be adjusted accordingly.

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